2006年5月30日 星期二


又是網友 Lasco 要求我講講讀書的哲學, 我的讀書哲學, 又是那句, 專於自己興趣吧.

我的過去 (學業篇) 一文, 我己談及我的學業路程, 但有一樣東西我沒有說過, 就是我只專於自己興趣讀書.

如果你拿我的中學成績表就會知道, 中國歷史58, 地理 51, , 數學 198 (總分 200), 物理 92 ...  為甚麼相差咁遠呀?

就算你拿我的大學成績來看, 你也會發現, 為何四課通識都是C, 而其他電腦課是A呢?

我都唔明白, 為甚麼學校要我浪費咁多時間在我沒有興趣的課目上?

很早我就放棄 "廣" , 而要 "專". 不過不想我某些課目見紅 (大學紅左的課目要重讀), 我也要付出 (浪費) 時間上堂, 做功課和温書.

其實現在的教育, 可否早些讓學生選擇自己有興趣的課目呢?

10 則留言:

  1. 哈哈,可能我記性好啦,我反而係中國歷史最高分。記得F.3 那年,試過中國歷史測驗拿到98分。其實可以話應該是100分的,2分被扣只是因為我寫錯別字。
    不過,後來F.4 選錯了讀理科,亦係這樣,令我走上了人生的崎嶇路。

  2. 題目有點像:
    可能有一天, 你都會和女兒說:
    要選擇和一個有經濟能力, 有前境的人一起生活吧! >_

  3. 都是個句, 找個一起生活得開開心心的另一半吧.

  4. 我反而好奇怪,中二三讀書個陣o的文史科閒閒地都八九十分,不過o的生物、化學唔係好掂,最後係因為數學ok而語文不嬲都唔掂而走去讀理科。當時都諗過讀唔讀得掂理科o的野,之但係而且諗番,萬一走去讀文科,可能連14分不保既機會仲大。

  5. 我覺得我的記性不好, 要我死記咁多野, 我會很快逃學, 所以我無選擇, 必入理科.

  6. 哈哈,剛剛寫完一篇教人學會學習的文章,唔知大家覺得點:

  7. 很認同你的話,「為甚麼學校要我浪費咁多時間在我沒有興趣的課目上?」

  8. 哈這正正就是為何外國工程師較有創意的原因了

  9. Sorry in English, I can not type Chinese at work here, though I much prefer Chinese.
    First I greatly appreciate Enoch's achievement, and his generous sharing of his success.
    Now I like to comment why I think history, culture, geology is a useful learning.
    Because Without those knowledge, even you are a computer genius, you may not fully understand human being, and may impair your relationship with others.
    But the fact you got low scores is really not your fault, it's the teachers' fault, those subjects can be very interesting, to say at least, as interesting as martial art hero stories.
    I also think Enoch has a point, so to compromise, those subjects are a must to teach, but not a must to test, unless students are willing to use those subjects to increase they overall average, because they have a passion for them.

  10. Sorry in English, I can not type Chinese at work here, though I much prefer Chinese.
    First I greatly appreciate Enoch achievement, and his generous sharing of his success.
    Now I like to comment why I think history, culture, geology is a useful learning.
    Because Without those knowledge, even you are a computer genius, you may not fully understand human being, and may impair your relationship with others.
    But the fact you got low scores is really not your fault, it's the teachers' fault, those subjects can be very interesting, to say at least, as interesting as martial art hero stories.
    I also think Enoch has a point, so to compromise, those subjects are a must to teach, but not a must to test, unless students are willing to use those subjects to increase they overall average, because they have a passion for them.
