2008年11月5日 星期三


上文講到富爸爸不明白為何不向客戶突出MemDB使用Memory Database的品牌信息,而去做些市場供求過多的零售系統

我答“是因為自己是一間細公司,要推Memory Database技術需要很多資金,而且市場未必需要這樣技術”.











不同? 應該是使用了Memory Database了,正想回答,富爸爸就說:



(以上故事純屬虛構 ,如有類同,實屬巧合)

7 則留言:

  1. Hi Encoh, This is the way you need to think about, what difference you made to competitive in the market, as the story above, you know that you product is not uni or special, there is a lot of soho doing the same software, yes, you can said that your work is good, not much people doing the good job, however, no matter what, a lot of people or company doing the same things, that why making price down, and can't make any profit.
    For example, The product you sale for HK$5000, but I will sale HK$5,000 include installation services, training services, one year maintenace support (on-site), it seem that I am losing money, however, I win you already, I make a sale and you don't. and this customer will follow me for one year, within this year, this customer may have more request, and let me make more money,after one year, customer may pay me one year maintenace if I do the job is good enough for them.
    So I can employ more poeple, as I got the recurrent income.

  2. Peter, 這裡真的要向你學習, memdb的客戶大都是購買一次, 一年後沒有任何問題, 大部份都不會付支援費.
    是否大家都客戶群不同嗎? 你的客戶是比較大公司, 我的是細公司, 所以慳這慳那, 支援就是pay on demand?

  3. No, I don't think so, no matter it is a small company or big company, they already has demand, this is how you can create the demand and let the customer looking for you (you already done it on internet), and get this customer to contiune your services (Do you want to spent the time with your customer and understand what they do and you try to help them to make more profit, once the customer know what you do and make more profit for them, they will pay you).
    You have a lot of customer using your Accounting software, as someone need to use accounting software, not the excel, they are already a little big company, at least 2 - 5 staff, the main point is how you can tell your exiting customer to use more your product to get more efficiency on their company, like printing cheque system (save time on writing), Trading system (the link between Sale, Purchase, stock receive, back order, delivery ...etc) it is all can save time if I have that system, and time is money ... etc

  4. For the accounting software, I have already done what you mentioned. I have provided a lot of versions (new function for them to upgrade) However, very few customers like to upgrade. They dont like to "change".
    I have also tried to let them FREE update before. Strangely, they rejected, they are familiar with the current version and afraid that upgrade will create error.
    Of course i have some customers (like faiwong) they will request upgrade and pay year support fee.

  5. Peter
    1) how you can create the demand,
    2) spent the time with your customer and understand what they do and you try to help them to make more profit

    This two suggestions are good and we will change to improve this.

  6. 台灣精誠科技現在也才開始開發這項技術
    深耕資料庫系統市場多年的精誠資訊,運用Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database的技術,成功研發出「精誠資料庫加速器SYSTEX DB Shuttle」,這項將Oracle 資料庫暫存於記憶體的加速設備,將取代現有增購儲存設備的傳統作法,大幅提昇資料庫搜尋效能六倍以上,並有效降減IT存儲設備成本。

  7. Josh :
    台灣精誠科技現在也才開始開發這項技術===============================深耕資料庫系統市場多年的精誠資訊,運用Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database的技術,成功研發出「精誠資料庫加速器SYSTEX DB Shuttle」,這項將Oracle 資料庫暫存於記憶體的加速設備,將取代現有增購儲存設備的傳統作法,大幅提昇資料庫搜尋效能六倍以上,並有效...
