2009年2月7日 星期六



想了想,以上的銷售策略是否值得應用在其他系統呢? 其實系統已經完成了,最重要是能吸引多些客戶使用,但又不能以永久Freeware的形式,因為這只會令MemDB沒有資金發展.



4 則留言:

  1. A year trial period seems too long. To me, I will set a limit on the trial version, eg, customer can print 100 - 200 chqs. If they are satisfy the system performance, then they will buy from you. This can let your money generation period shorter and faster

  2. 之前試過30天試用,沒有客戶會用,反而今次1年免費,會有13個客戶使用,這看到1年比較吸引了.
    當然你會說回報慢,但總比沒回報好? 這點我正在思考的問題,如何在客戶和我找個平衡.

  3. Hi, I'm MongKok, I'm also a developer, with 7 yrs of experience.
    I think 30 days is too short, to the customer, the software is 90% for evaluation purpose, coz they don't have enough time to try out all the functions of the software, so they will not be too serious on the trying. Also, I think it takes more than 30 days for the customer to see the benefit of the software - e.g., for increase of productivity, it might not come out very fast.
    Things will be different for 1 yr, for the customers, they will think that they can obtain the software functions for 1 yr without paying a dollar, so they will think they earn quite a lot, and they will try out the functions more thoroughly and will try to bring the most out of the software.
    It is very important that the customer can understand the product a lot, and if they do, it should be very likely that they will pay.
    Also, they might recommend the software to others, and it might be likely that the referrer and referee will try the software together, and exchange knowledge and experience to each other. This will also enhance the likelihood of buying the product.

  4. MongKok :
    Hi, I'm MongKok, I'm also a developer, with 7 yrs of experience.
    I think 30 days is too short, to the customer, the software is 90% for evaluation purpose, coz they don't have enough time to try out ...
    Thank for your comment.
