2015年8月22日 星期六

遙距教學Distance Learning軟件

今個星期接到一個客戶要求開發一個遙距教學Distance Learning的軟件, 她們是一間Learning Centre, 想找間軟件公司開發一個WEB-BASED的平台, 讓她們的學生可以上網查看那些課程可以學.

學生可以在他們中心購買積分, 或用PAYPAL和VISA付款就可以在限期內觀看教學影片, 然後有些相關的測驗讓學生們作答和計分.

客戶要求是那些教學影片不能容易複製和分享 (當然不能防止有人用錄影機錄), 要管理學生們買了那些影片和測驗的分數.

MemDB很有興趣發展這類軟件和平台, 所以開發了一個DEMO (按此可查看), 如有客戶或夥伴對此有興趣, 可以聯絡我詳談, whatsapp: 93225064.

4 則留言:

  1. 你個客on99
    用錄影機? 大把方法啦

  2. 路人 :
    用錄影機? 大把方法啦


  3. I had been reading thru your blog post and found that we are on the same boat. However, when I saw this post, I am very surprised that I did exactly the same with some open source as my framework and the result is pretty good. If you are interested, we can chat more on how we could work together too.
    Btw, have you had about moodle? It is the framework that I use to implement the similar solution.

  4. KNL :
    I had been reading thru your blog post and found that we are on the same boat. However, when I saw this post, I am very surprised that I did exactly the same with some open source as my framework and ...

    Yes, whatsapp me to discuss? 93225064
